Rochester Drywall Repair
Drywall Repair
Plaster Renovation in Rochester NY
Whether you have one small hole or a house full of them, we will properly patch your damaged drywall in less time and with less mess. Since 1986, we at Rochester Drywall Repair, we have seen our share of damaged drywall over the years. Dented Corner Bead and bumps in the wall from moving furniture, door knobs and fists through the walls, water damage either on the ceiling or in the walls or from a basement or bathroom flood. And let's not forget the old fashioned intercom systems that were great in the 1970's, but times sure have changed and now the time to remove them and repair the large holes they leave is long overdue. From tiny thumbtack holes to huge chunks of your wall and/or ceiling courtesy of your plumber, call us at Rochester Drywall Repair, won't you? You AND YOUR HOME both deserve us!